My First Post Ever

   When I tell people that I enjoy writing, the first question they always ask is "Do you have a blog?" Hence the reason I claimed this little nook of the internet. 

   I must warn you that I will be cheating at this blogging thing--at least for the first month or two. In the last two years, my stock pile of stories and creative writing discussion topics has only grown due to class assignments; I know right? Woe is me, I had to take classes that required me to write stories! All joking aside, I highly recommend taking a writing class or joining a writing group, if for no other reason than the feedback. 

  As I was saying, for the first few months I will be posting prefabricated works. It is my sincere hope that you all will respond to what I write. My vision is to make this blog about the creative process of writing and to give writers and readers a common platform for discussion. My writing will serve more as a case in point sort of thing. However, as much as I encourage people to share their unique voice and perspective, I also advocate accountability, constructive criticism, and flexibility. Folks, please remember we are all human beings here. Let's treat each other with kindness and compassion. If someone posts an opinion that is clearly idiotic and all you can think to say back is "You're an idiot," maybe just don't respond at all.  

   When it comes to subject matter, you will find everything from Science Fiction to Travel pieces maybe even to Resume writing. However, I want to give you a hint; when you read what I write, listen for my voice. Not because I desperately need to be heard, but getting into the habit of hearing what the author is saying beneath the words is very important. Recognizing that will make you a more observant reader and a sharper writer. 

   Well enough with preliminary talk! Let's get to the fun part! Stay-tuned each week (maybe Tuesday's)(maybe any other day of the week) for a new short story and a new discussion topic. I'll be nice and release the first one today. You're welcome!


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