Three Ways to Reduce Loans While You Are Still in School
When it came to paying off my student loans, I understood that the bulk of it would have to be done after I walked across the stage to get my diploma. However, I was eager to make the most of my time and money in the interim of being a full-time student and you should be too. There are several things you can do in the midst of college to save yourself thousands of dollars. 1. Pay off interest while you are still in school. If you allow interest to accrue, that amount will add onto your principal loan amount, which will result in more interest accruing and more debt come the start of your repayment period. Still not convinced? Try this little trick. Multiply your interest rate by the current principal balance of your loan. Then, divide that number by 365 (number of days in a year). The result is how much interest is accruing daily. Example: (4.4% x $21,000)/365 = $2.53 That may not seem like much, but it sure grows when your are lying in bed trying to sleep at night. 2. ...