The Beauty of Brevity
Concise writing is studied by scholars, but it doesn’t take a degree to lose interest or conversely, experience satisfaction from a succinct statement. I’ll never forget my editing professor praising Twitter for its 140-character limit. He said more good writing comes from those limitations than from having all the characters in the world available. I wonder what he would say about Twitter testing a new 280-character limit. Aliza Rosen, Twitter Product Manager, reminded users that “Twitter is about brevity,” in a company blog post published on Tuesday, September 26. She went on to say, “We understand since many of you have been Tweeting for years, there may be an emotional attachment to 140 characters – we felt it, too.” The blog post explains that the character limitation appears to be too restrictive for English and the added freedom could attract more Tweets. Let’s cut to the chase. Twitter wants more business. I can respect that. Managing five social media accounts...