Eat, Drink & Be Merry
Hello readers and writers! I've been fighting a bad case of writer's block for the last month or so, but it seems like I have finally found the motivation once again. A few things have changed for me recently. First, I finished my bachelors degree! Second, my old laptop --with years of stories and creative gibberish -- stopped working. I am really trying not to think about the documents I presently do not have access to, because even if they are not worthy of an audience they are a reflection of my development as a I said trying not to think about it (plus they might be recoverable if I can get it to the repair shop). Anyway, the bit I am including in this post is short. My inspiration came from a blend of two writing prompts I had pinned to my Pinterest board "Unwritten." Now that I am on the other side of a blocked month, I recommend reading prompts ...